Who are you “being”?

Chances are, if you don’t know how to answer that, you're probably feeling a bit disconnected?

Like you just keep waking up and going through the motions each day, falling into whatever mood or circumstance the day has dictated for you.

You may feel stuck in a rut and on repeat, or you may even struggle to find the point in doing anything at all.

Does this sound familiar? Well, I get it.

Over the last 19 years of being self-employed, I remember countless times, waking up in the morning anxious, immediately overwhelmed and wanting to crawl back under the covers and let the day go on without me.

However, I’ve also been in the shoes of someone who needed to do all the things for all the people simply out of fear of upsetting them, not being needed or worst of all feeling like a failure.

Thankfully that's not true for me anymore. Now, even though I don't wake up every day singing with the birds like Cinderella, I am no longer a victim of my day or my circumstances.

Every day, I wake up and decide what the day will look like. I decide what my experience is going to be. I check in with who I’m being. - Am I being patient? Am I being mindful? Am I being present? Am I being busy or productive? (Yes there’s a difference) Am I being curious or judgmental? Am I being a perfectionist or am I doing my best? Am I being demeaning to myself or others? Am I being the best or worst version of myself?

Getting connected to who you are “being” can be difficult if you have spent your life being who and what others have wanted you to be. Sometimes we need help in re-identifying who we are, but it is the only way you will ever create the life that was truly meant for YOU!

If you want to take back your power and make 2022 the year you created healthy, successful habits and changed your life, Join me Feb 2 - 4 at 12pm PST. During this FREE 3-day workshop, I will teach you the exact steps you can take to clearly define what you want and how to get it.

Register for the FREE masterclass here: https://p.bttr.to/3Fw262y

You deserve personal freedom. You deserve to live the life you want. You deserve to be happy and have a strong, healthy relationship with yourself and others. You deserve ultimate success and I want to show you how it’s 100% possible.


Changing Times


Purposeful Disconnection