Purposeful Disconnection

Hello my beautiful friend! I just got home from attending an AMAZING wellness retreat in North Carolina.

I'll be honest...

At first, I thought it would be a waste of my time.

...Don't you know all of the "things" I have to do?

...Don't you know all of the people I have to be present for?

...Don't you know that the world will stop if I'm not spinning it on its axis!!!!???

When I hear myself say those things now, of course, I just laugh...but on the flight out, when I couldn't get WiFi, I was FREAKING OUT.

But, when I tuned into what I really needed to experience this weekend, I knew the universe wanted me to fully disconnect.

For me, that's scary.

For so long, I believed that if I disconnected, I would lose myself. I am SO connected ALL. THE. TIME. That to truly disconnect ON PURPOSE was freaking me out!

Can you relate?

Do you find yourself doing all the things, for all the people, all the time?

Do you find yourself having to perform, even when you have nothing left to give?

Well, you are definitely not alone.

BUT..... what if I told you, Purposeful Disconnection was VITAL to your own mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health?

What would it feel like to disconnect from everyone and everything and just sit with "self"?

Would you be able to?

Would you be comfortable with the person you are, without needing to be anything for anyone else?

This week, I invite you to start small.

Turn off Netflix, put down your phone, stop responding to emails, step away from family and friends and just spend some quiet alone time.

If that sounds miserable, reflect on why. Then start with just 5 min.

Use this time to ask yourself what you want. Get curious. Tap into your intentions and start learning to listen to your gut.

I promise, once you start this practice, you will get better and better with time.

As humans, who give of ourselves all the time, it's SO important to pour from a full cup.

That means you need to be aware of when your cup is running low!

Stop getting so caught up in everything and everyone else, that you run dry.

You are meant to have an amazing life. You haven't made it this far for nothing!

Practice Purposeful Disconnection.

You'll thank me later.




Who are you “being”?